Abounding love Christian Center exists to exalt God through loving worship, to edify Christian through biblical teaching, to evangelize non-Christians through faithful witness, and to exhibit godliness through a positive presence in our community.

Our mission is guided by the Great Commandment and The Great Commission. Our mission is to reach people for Christ, grow them strong in Christ so they can go out and make a difference for Christ in the world.

A vision of a church, effective and innovative, culturally relevant, multiethnic and doing whatever it takes by His grace to impact our local and international communities.

A vision of a church on acres of land with beautiful yet simple facilities including a worship center seating thousands, and a prayer center, schools to train pastors and missionaries, conference center for seminars, a bookstore and recreation center. All facilities will be designed to minister to the total person spiritually, emotionally, physically and socially. Through our various ministries we strive to afford every one the opportunity to build meaningful relationships and opportunities to serve.